Construction chemicals have become one of the important components of chemical industry playing an important role in global infrastructure development. We are providing high-quality chemical products from “KAO”, globally recognized brand and a leading brand in this industry. A variety of construction chemical products especially concrete mixtures and construction field products are widely available. We provide a variety of high quality and consistent products from Mightly Brand such as superplasticizer, slum retentive type, retarding type water reduction, water proof admixture, initial set and workability extending superplasticizer, high range water reducing agent retention type, emulsifiable concretrate, concrete release agent, early strength type admixture for high flow, high strength admixture and other special chemicals.
Product type |
Main application |
Product name |
Type D |
Retarding type water reducing |
Mighty 80RA |
Mighty 90RA |
Type F |
Superplasticizer , High rande water reducing |
Mighty 150 |
Type G |
Slump retentive type, Superplasticizer |
Mighty RD |
Initial set and workability extending superplasticizer |
Mighty 150SA-5 |
High range water reducing agent retention type |
Mighty 512 |
Type WP |
Water proof admixture |
Mighty 40WP |
Special type |
Emulsifiable Concentrate,Concrete Release Agent |
Liner Seven 50 |
Early Strength type Admixture for High Flow |
Mighty 21HP |
High Strength Admixture |
Mighty 21WH |
forming agent for light weight concrete |
soft clean 27AE |
High performance admixture for anti-washout |
Mighty VT200LS-A |
Cationic Emulsifier for Rapid setting Asphalt Emulsion |
Farmin-ST7 |
Retarding type water reducing admixture (Type D) |
Mighty 80RA
High performance admixture produced by bio chemical process for making better, uniform and predicable high-quality concrete
Retarding Type Water Reducing Admixture
- Improve slump retention for pumping concrete
- Dosage should be adjusted depending on the concrete amount for the required travelling time
- Best suit for Ready-Mix Concrete producers and contractors because of its workability result regardless of being delivered far
- Reduce heat hydration and thermal cracks
Appearance: Dark Brown Liquid
Packaging: 244kgs/Drum Consumption: 180-350c.c/ 100kg of Cement
Mighty 90RA
High performance admixture produced by bio chemical process for making better, uniform and predicable high-quality concrete
Retarding Type Water Reducing Admixture
- Improve slump retention for pumping concrete
- Applying 0.2% dosage of the concrete can result the working time within 2-3 hours
- Best suit for Ready-Mix Concrete producers and contractors because of its workability result regardless of being delivered far
- Reduce shrinkage crack and segregation problem
- Reduce heat hydration and thermal cracks
Appearance: Yellowish Transparent Liquid
Packaging: 244kgs/Drum Consumption: 180-350c.c/ 100kg of Cement
Superplasticizer, High rande water reducing concrete admixture (Type F) |
Mighty 150
Superplasticizer for high-strength concrete, High Range Water Reducing Concrete Admixture
- Can deliver the high-strength concrete within 3 – 7 days
- Can reduce water cement ratio from 15% to 25% depending to the utilized cement, dosage and other factors
- The strength will not be lowered although the water cement ration is reduced, great workability, no segregation
- Can be used in concrete roads, bridges, buildings, airport, RC works, Precast, Driven Piles and production of concrete railway sleepers
Appearance: Dark Brown Liquid
Packaging: 244kgs/Drum Consumption: 0.6% to 2.4% by weight of cement
Slump retentive type, Superplasticizer (Type G) |
Mighty RD
Slump Retentive Type of Superplasticizer for high performance concrete
- Can be used in superplasticizer required projects, Bore Piles, bridges, buildings, precast and prestressed works
- Slump retentive ability for longer working time
- No cold joints occurring when the massive amount of concrete is applied at the same time
- Rust resistance due to the absence of chloride
Appearance: Dark Brown Liquid
Packaging: 244kgs/Drum Consumption: 0.6% to 2.4% by weight of cement
Initial set and workability extending superplasticizer for concrete (Type G) |
Mighty 150 SA-5
Admixture for high strength concrete within a day
- Great workability, no segregation, high strength
- Used in precast works and pile concrete works
- Can be used in concrete works, bridges, buildings, airports, RC works, Precast works, Driven Piles and the production of concrete railway sleepers
Appearance: Dark Brown Liquid
Packaging: 240kgs/Drum Consumption: 0.6% - 2.0% by weight of cement
High Range Water Reducing Agent Retention (Type G) |
Mighty 512
Admixture for more slump retention and delivering concrete strength within a short duration
- Able to get concrete strength within 3 – 7 days and can adjust the concrete slump to 2 – 5 hours
- Used in bridges, high buildings, precast and prestressed works
- Dosage should be adjusted to get the required concrete strength, slump and working time
Chemical Base: Aqueous solution of modified polycarboxylates
Appearance: Dark Brown Liquid
Packaging: 240kgs/Drum Consumption: 1.2 – 1.5% by weight of cement
Waterproof admixture (Type WD) |
Waterproof Admixture
- Waterproof for concrete, cement motor and cement plaster
- Good concrete strength and durable
- Reduce bleeding and make the good concrete surface
- Can be used in concrete flat roots, concrete tanks, basements, underground tanks, walls with rain exposure, bathroom floors and walls, underground electricity projects, power house building, bridge bore pile works
Appearance: Dark Brown Liquid
Packaging: 244kgs/Drum Consumption: 300-600 c.c/100 kg of cement
Emulsifiable Concentrate,Concrete Release Agent |
Liner Seven 50
Admixture for easy removal of frameworks
- Fine and smooth concrete surface
- Reduce air voids on the surface and greasy stains
- Can easily remove steel forms and the slow rate of rust formation
Coverage: 1 liter/ 30 square meter
Packaging: 180kgs/Drum
Application: Brush, roller, cloth, map or sprayer